Inter Provincial - Fyfield - 11.03.23
Name | Score Ex 100 |
Gary Jones | 62 |
Paul Reeves | 62 |
Dave Francis | 66 |
Richard H Groves | 68 |
Mark Woolard | 72 |
Terry Attewell | 74 |
Mark Inns | 77 |
Clive Fry | 78 |
Fyfield - 09.04.22
Name | Score Ex 100 |
Antony Adams | 77 |
Terry Attewell | 71 |
Mark Inns | 63 |
Rob Hollier | 62 |
Ted Grad' | 58 |
Ken Randall | 58 |
Richard Harrington Groves | 56 |
Ian Parker | 55 |
Chris (guest) | 50 |
Dennis Adams | 43 |
Paul Swinge | 41 |
Bush Springs - 02.04.22
Name | Score Ex 100 |
Terry Attewell | 82 |
Terry Grad' | 76 |
Rob Hollier | 74 |
Fyfield - 26.03.22
Name | Score Ex 100 |
Dave Wilder | 91 |
Mark Woolard | 76 |
Richard Harrington Groves | 75 |
Terry Attewell | 67 |
Rob (guest) | 60 |
Ken Randall | 60 |
Ian Parker | 56 |
Rob Hollier | 55 |
Dartford - 15.02.22
Name | Score Ex 100 |
Ted Gradosielski | 51 |
Peter Hollingsworth | 58 |
Richard Harrington Groves | 60 |
Ian Parker | 61 |
Gary Jones | 64 |
Paul Reeves | 64 |
Dave Purches | 66 |
Rob Hollier | 66 |
Terry Attewell | 71 |
Mark Woolard | 72 |
Mark Inns | 74 |
Clive Fry | 77 |
Eastwick - 15.02.22
Name | Score Ex 60 |
Terry Attewell | 47 |
Mark Woolard | 46 |
Mark Inns | 44 |
Rob Hollier | 44 |
Christmas Shoot
Fyfield - 04.12.21
Good turn out for our annual Christmas shoot & AGM at Fyfield and the Black Bull on the 4th December 2021. My thanks to Nicky & Tony of the Black Bull for allowing us to use the Black Bull for our AGM and supplying us with a sumptuous breakfast.
Eighteen members and a guest or two took part in the shoot at Fyfield SG and my thanks to Olly the ground owner for accommodating us.

Fyfield - 20.11.2021

Eastwick - 07.11.2021

Three Acres - 10.10.2021

International Masonic Clay Shooting Championship

Captains Charity Shoot - 31.07.2021

Suffolk provincial charity shoot - Eriswell shooting ground

JJ's - 26/06/21

ESG Fyfield - 19/06/21

Three Acres - 06/06/21

Fennes - 29/05/21

Fyfield - 22/05/21

Fyfield - 08/05/21

Fennes - 01/05/21

Copfurn - 19/01/20

Eastwick - 17/11/19

A1 - 27/10/19

JJ's - 19/10/19

Copfurn - 13/10/2019

Inter provincial shoot East Kent - 05/10/2019

Three Acres - 11/08/2019

Bush Springs - 27/07/2019

2019 Captains Day - 13/07/2019

Copfurn - 07/07/2019

Nationals Suffolk - High Lodge - 22/06/2019

J.J's - 09/06/2019

Colin Ross Charity Shoot - 21/05/2019

Shrove Hill - 19/05/2019

Fyfield - 04/05/2019

"Good turn out,(weather could have been kinder, very windy), with the usual banter, always a joy to shoot with the members of EMCSA"
Copfurn - 28/04/2019

Three Acres - 10/03/2019

Fyfield - 23/02/2019

Copfurn - 03/02/2019

Bush Springs - 26/01/2019

Fyfield - 29/12/2018

Fyfield - 15/12/18

Copfurn - 25/11/2018

Eastwick - 18/11/2018

Fyfield - 03/11/18

A1 - 28/10/2018

Fyfield - 25/08/2018

Fennes - 7/7/2018
Mark Lambkin 74 ex 100
Rob Hollier 52 ex 100
Richard H Groves 45 ex 100
Chris Dorling 42 ex 100
Dartford - 22/04/18

Bush Springs - 07/04/18
Mark Lambkin 85 ex 100
Rob Hollier 74 ex 100
Terry Attwell 59 ex 100
Ken Randall 56 ex 100
Richard H.G 51 ex 100(P.B.)
Tim Clarke 46 ex 100
Chris Dorling 44 ex 100
Andrew Cross 33 ex 100
David Fairney 77 ex 100 (Guest, could be new member)
Three Acres - 25/03/18
Dave Wilder 59 ex 80
Rob Hollier 49 ex 80
Paul Swinge 34 ex 80
Colin Ross memorial shoot - Fyfield - 13/03/18
Antony Adams 69 ex 100
Rob Hollier 67 ex 100
Ken Cownden 54 ex 100
Terry Attwell 53 ex 100
Paul Swinge 50 ex 100
Dennis Adams 46 ex 100
The shoot was very well attended on a cold day and I believe nearly £2000.00 was raised on the day, for full results etc’ go to Olly’s website, essexclayshoot. I believe our team came 10th.
Excellent day was had by all and the shoot was very well set up and run by Olly and his team, looking forward to next year!!
Fennes - 03/03/18
Russel Attwell 68 ex 100 (guest0
Terry Attwell 65 ex 100
Rob Hollier 61 ex 100
Tim Clarke 52 ex 100
Richard H-Grove 46 ex 100 (improving all the time)
Andrew Cross 44 ex 100
Fyfield - 10/02/18
Antony Adams 76 ex 100
Mark Lambkin 63 ex 100
Rob Hollier 61 ex 100
Terry Attwell 58 ex 100
Dennis Adams 51 ex 100
Ken Randall 41 ex 100
Andrew Cross 38 ex 100
Tim Clarke 37 ex 100
Ash 37 ex 100 ( guest of Tim)
Richard H-Groves 32 ex 100 ( Improving, well shot).
A very good turn out on a very cold damp Saturday, Olly had set up some very testing stands, especially Stands 7,9, (a going away pair, not easy),and stand 11,( ball trap & a very rapid R to L crosser) and 7 had an orange rising teal that had to be 70/80 mtrs out! Blimey!!! But, the talk in the cabin after the shoot was how everyone enjoyed themselves, has to be the company!!!!The targets didn’t phase our Antony though, he even managed a 6 on the high tower !
Bush springs - 13/01/18
Terry Attwell 50 ex 70
Antony adams 43 ex 70
Dennis Adams 43 ex 70
Adrian Saggers 37 ex 70
Richard Harr'ton-Groves 31 ex 70
Rob Hollier 40 ex 60
Mark Inns 35 ex 60
A very entertaining shoot at Bush Springs, the ground was very muddy and wellies were the order of the day, It was a 70 bird shoot but Myself and Mark Inns shot 60, as I had to get home to get ready for a meeting in the afternoon and Mark was my passenger!
Fyfield - 30/12/2017
Antony Adams 66 ex 100
Dennis Adams 54 ex 100
Ian Parker 48 ex 100
Rob Hollier 48 ex 100
Terry Attwell 47 ex 100
Fraser Betts 46 ex 100
Paul Swinge 44 ex 100
Richard Har’-Grove 39 ex 100
A brilliant shoot to end the year and a very hearty welcome to Richard !
Copfurn - 26/11/17

Three Acres - 19/11/17
Antony Adams 61 ex 80
Rob Hollier 56 ex 80
Paul Swinge 52 ex 80 (P.B.)
Ken Randall 35 ex 80
Dennis Adams 31 ex 80
Fyfield - 04/11/17
Anthony Hoarau 53 ex 90
Rob Hollier 51 ex 90
Terry Attwell 50 ex 90
Alex Braccie 38 ex 90
Paul Swinge 37 ex 90
Chris Dorling 30 ex 90
Mark Braccie 27 ex 90
A1 - 29/10/17
Paul swinge 38 ex 80
Dave Wilder 64 ex 80
Anthony Hoarau 50 ex 80
Anthony Adams 56 ex 80
Dennis Adams 39 ex 80

JJ's - 15/10/17
Rob Hollier 48 ex 84
Adrian Saggers 44 ex 84
Alex Braccie 42 ex 84
Mark Braccie 34 ex 84
Dartford - 01/10/17
Mark Lambkin 59 ex 100
Alex Brace 54 ex 100 (new Junior member)
Rob Hollier 52 ex 100
Ken Randall 51 ex 100
Connor Lambkin 45 ex 100 (new junior member)
Mark Braccie 33 ex 100 ( new Senior member)
The mornings weather was windy and damp and the targets were challenging to say the least ( set up for a CPSA shoot),but despite that we had a very enjoyable time with the usual banter which was made more enjoyable by East Kent Lads following us around and taking the Micky in their usual way. Good to see Roger and co’.
There was also a skeet competition going on and and a gathering of international Practical shooters (Neil Beverley’s favourite shooting discipline), which made the ground very busy.

Bush springs - 23/09/17
M Lambkin 44 ex 70
T Clarke 36 ex 70
C Lambkin 36 ex 70
K Randall 35 ex 70
T Attwell 34 ex70
R Hollier 34 ex 70
P Swinge 32 ex 70
A Bracci 27 ex 70 (guest)
M Bracci 23 ex 70 (proposed member)
C Dorling 23 ex 70
Copfurn - 03/09/17
Ian Parker 53 ex 80
Rob Hollier 49 ex 80
Terry Attwell 40 ex 80
Andrew Cross 35 ex 80
Paul Swinge 29 ex 80
Fennes - 19/08/17
Mark Lambkin 64 ex 100
Antony Adams 60 ex 100
Ken Cowden 58 ex 100
Ian Parker 57 ex 100
Conner Lambkin 49 ex 100 ( Guest)
Dennis Adams 49 ex 100
Copfurn - 06/08/17
Team #1
Graham Dickerson 50 ex 80
Jack Dickerson 24 ex 80 (guest)
Chris Dorling 30 ex 80
Ian Parker 53 ex 80
Paul Swinge 36 ex 80
Team #2
Antony Adams 58 ex 80
Dennis Adams 26 ex 80
Terry Attwell 40 ex 80
Fraser Betts 50 ex 80
Anthony Hoarau 51 ex 80
Copfurn - 25/06/17
These are the recorded scores for Copfurn on Sunday the 25/6/17 and it won’t take long……….
Rob Hollier 55 ex 80
Dave Wilder 53 ex 80
Trevor 48 ex 80 (guest)
Even though there were only three of us it we still had a good time, Olly had put on a great round with some very tricky targets, I do like his way of subtle changes to keep it interesting
Arnolds Farm - 03/06/17
Rob Hollier 45 ex 50
Ian Parker 37 ex 50
Terry Harris 35 ex 50
Terry Attewel 30 ex 50
Paul Swinge 29 ex 50
Dennis Adams 24 ex 50
Bob Parry 46 ex 50 (Guest) well shot Bob.
Turned out to be a fun morning with good weather and good company, Glen put on good 50 birder and a duck flush
Bob Parry, Terry Harris and myself had a go and scored 41 ex 75
( 3 man flush), don’t think we will win any prizes with that score but it was good fun…
Dennis picked up Antony’s Trophy for coming 4th in the Juniors at the Essex club shoot last Monday. Well done Antony!
Arnolds Farm - 29/05/17
Anthony Adams 71 ex 100
Geoff Whistler 68 ex 100
Rob Hollier 63 ex 100
Mick Keen 76 ex 100
Ken Downden 60 ex 100
Mark Lambkin 82 ex 100
Dennis Adams 44 ex 100
Dave Wilder 85 ex 100
Anthony Hoarau 72 ex 100
Paul Swinge 59 ex 100

Eastwick - 11/06/17
Rob Hollier 39 ex 50
Anthony Hoarau 38 ex 50
Terry Attwell 36 ex 50
Chris Dorling 24 ex 50
Graham Dickerson 32 ex 50
Copfurn - 14/05/2017
David Wilder 54 ex 80
John 48 ex 80 ( guest of Terry Harris).
Terry Harris 44 ex 80
Russell Attwell 44 ex 80 ( Terry Attewell’s Son)
Fraser Betts 40 ex 80
Rob Hollier 39 ex 80
Mick Keen 38 ex 80
Terry Attwell 35 ex 80
Andrew Cross 26 ex 80
Tim Clarke 20 ex 80
A very good turn out today, the weather was kind to us but the targets Olly set were very tricky, especially when the wind was gusting.
We all left a lot of targets out there, some more than others but that aside , it was a very enjoyable day in good company.
Bush springs - 06/05/17
Fraser Betts 58 ex 100
Terry Attwell 58 ex 100 ( new Member welcome)
Rob Hollier 58 ex 100
Ian Parker 56 ex 100
Adrian Saggers 54 ex 100
Ken Randall 47 ex 100
Mark Innes 38 ex 100 ( Guest/future member)
A cold wind was blowing in our faces all morning, apart from that it was dry and a very enjoyable shoot, Bush Springs made us very welcome.
Dartford - 22/04/17
Antony Adams 85 ex 100
David Wilder 85 ex 100 ( new member)
Mark Lambkin 72 ex 100
Anthony Hoarau 69 ex 100
Fraser Betts 61 ex 100
Ken Randall 54 ex 100
Rob Hollier 53 ex 100
Paul Swinge 50 ex 100
Dennis Adams 49 ex 100
East Kent 235
Essex 242
Essex won by seven clays, good shooting to all the Guys especially the top three !

Fennes - 08/04/17
Mark Lambkin 56 EX 80
Ian Parker 53 EX 80
Rob Hollier 52 EX 80
Ken Cownden 50 EX 80
Dennis Adams 38 EX 80
Martin Picket 20 EX 80
A very enjoyable shoot with excellent weather and good company. well done Martin, your first shoot with us, hasn’t been shooting long and to get that score with all the banter and barracking going on is excellent!
Inter- provincial shoot against middlesex - 25/03/17
Captains Day & Christmas Competition Shoots
Each time a member shoots their score is recorded and a handicap is calculated from those scores. In addition to our regular 'club' shoots we hold a Captains Day Shoot and a Christmas Shoot in July and December and those handicaps are used for those shoots. That way, the winner will be whoever was shooting above their average on the day, rather than always being the best shot in the club.
A very enjoyable shoot in very good company and good weather. There was £35.75p of left over funds after the shoot was paid, which was handed to Donald of Middlesex to donate to a charity of their choice.
Winning team: Essex - 154/140 (Top three scores per team)
Essex scores;
Terry Harris 63 ex 90
Rod Blacklock 49 ex 90
Adrian Saggers 42 ex 90
Ian Parker 41 ex 90
Rob Hollier 40 ex 90
Paul Swinge 32 ex 90
Ken Randall 27 ex 70 (Had to leave early due to emergency)
Middlesex top shot: Jason Nadal
Essex top shot: Terry Harris

Event News

13th National (Tercentenary) Masonic Clay Shooting Championships
Saturday 17th June 2017
This year the Province of Essex has the privilege of hosting the above event. For further details please download the flyer (see the button at the top of this (and every other) page.

2016 AGM
Saturday 17/12/2016
The 2016 AGM was held at the Black Bull PH.
Officers Elected for 2016 - 2017:
Chairman - W.Bro Rob Hollier
Captain - W.Bro Neil March
Secretary - VW.Bro Paul Reeves
Treasurer - W.Bro Mike Gravenor
Safety Officers - W.Bros. Mike Gravenor, Karl Griffin & Neil March

2015 AGM
Saturday 05/12/2015
The 2015 AGM was held at the Black Bull PH.
Officers Elected for 2015 - 2016:
Chairman - W.Bro Rob Hollier
Captain - W.Bro Chris Sampson
Secretary - W.Bro Paul Reeves
Treasurer - W.Bro Mike Gravenor
Safety Officers - W.Bros. Mike Gravenor, Karl Griffin, Neil March & Rod Blacklock

EMCSA Handicapped Xmas Shoot 2015
Saturday 05/12/2015
An 80 target EMCSA 2015 Christmas Handicapped shoot was held at Fyfield on 5th December.
The actual scores were:-
Antony Adams 61%
Mick Keen 58%
Geoff Whistler 51%
Rob Hollier 50%
Dennis Adams 45%
Ian Parker 36%
Paul Swinge 25%
Congratulations are due to Mick Keen though - after the handicaps were applied he'd won (for the second year running) with a 100% score!

EMCSA 'Have a Go' Novice Day
Sat 10/10/2015
Ever wanted to have a go at Clay Pigeon Shooting?
Never had the chance?
Don’t know how to get started?
Well here’s your opportunity!
Essex Masonic Clay Shooting Association's ‘Have A Go Day’
Saturday 10th October 2015
Cost: £25.00, which includes:-
½ hour tuition by a qualified CPSA Instructor (delivered in pairs)
25 clay targets, 25 cartridges, use of guns & all safety equipment
Essex Shooting Ground, Fyfield
(near Chipping Ongar, Essex; www.claypigeonshoot.co.uk)
Shooting commences at 11.00am.
Open to all, Masons, Non Masons, Family & Friends from 11 years old and upwards.
Places must be booked & paid for in advance.
To book contact: W.Bro Neil March, ProvAGDC
Tel: 07970 159943; email: neil@emcsa.org.uk
Limited places – please book early!

Essex Provincial Stewards' 7th Annual Charity Shoot
Sat 12/09/2015
In 2009 W.Bro Graham Dickerson, ProvDepGDC, of Stansted Mountfitchet Lodge No. 6230 (then a Provincial Grand Steward of that year) organised the first Stewards’ Charity Clay Shoot for novices at Essex Shooting Ground, Fyfield. The event proved very popular and it’s been held annually since then by successive Stewards of the Year but has grown, with the assistance of the Essex Masonic Clay Shooting Association (EMCSA), into a shoot for novices and experienced shooters.
On Saturday 12th September 2015 the Provincial Grand Stewards of the Year, in association with the EMCSA, put on the 7th Annual Stewards Charity Clay Shoot. Thirty (30) novices and 35 experienced shooters took part, with shooters supporting the event from MetGL and the Provinces of Hertfordshire, Suffolk and as far away as West Lancashire.
The day started with a full English breakfast at the Black Bull pub in Fyfield (run by W.Bro Tony Walker & Nicky Eldridge) before the shooters moved onto their respective shooting grounds. Novices were given 1-to-1 tuition before a mini competition over 30 targets, whilst the more experienced battled it out over 60 targets, before everyone retired back to the Black Bull pub for a lovely 2 course lunch.
Prizes were then awarded by W.Bro Rob Hollier (EMCSA Chairman and Eureka Lodge 8761). The winners in the novice shoot were:-
Junior High Gun - Lewis Bell
Lady High Gun - Joanne Kerr
Non-Masonic High Gun - Nick Perry
Masonic High Gun - W.Bro Terry Kerr
The winners in the experienced shoot were:-
Junior High Gun - Max Robertson (Herts)
Lady High Gun - Charlotte Brereton (Suffolk)
Non-Masonic High Gun - W.Bro Nick Dear (Herts)
Masonic High Gun - W.Bro Neil March (St Cedd 6519, Essex)
Congratulations to W.Bro Andy Pearson, ProvGStwd (Spero Lodge 6825) and W.Bro Karl Griffin (EMCSA and Rainham Lodge 3079) for organising the day and a big thank you to everyone who supported it – we raised almost £1,500 for Lifelites.
The EMCSA will be holding a further novice day at Essex Shooting Ground, Fyfield on 10th October 2015. Details will be advertised on the Provincial website and at www.emcsa.org.uk
If interested please contact W.Bro Neil March on 07970 159943 (neil@emcsa.org.uk)

Essex Provincial Stewards Annual Charity Shoot
Saturday 12/09/2015
This event is in two halves and is an ideal opportunity for complete or near novices to experience clay pigeon shooting in a safe but fun environment and for experienced shooters to enjoy a good shoot.
All prices include the cost of a full English breakfast at the Black Bull public house in Fyfield, CM5 0NN and, following the shoots, a two course lunch back at the Black Bull.
After breakfast novice shooters make a short journey (a 15 min drive) to Little Hyde Hall, Sawbridgeworth, CM21 9HX, which is a ground designed for novices to use for corporate entertainment days. You need to be there for 10.30am for a safety briefing and shooting starts at 11.00am.
You will be provided with all necessary safety equipment (safety glasses and ear defenders), the use of a shotgun, all the cartridges you need and the cost of the clays you shoot (as well as the ones you miss) will be included in the cost.
The novice day, including all meals and 50 shots is £65, less than a similar shooting experience day out but with the food thrown in.
After breakfast the experienced shooters will make their way to the Essex Shooting Ground in Fyfield (near Chipping Ongar, Essex; www.claypigeonshoot.co.uk) for 10.30am. Shooting commences at 11.00am.
They will take part in a 60 Bird Sporting Shoot at the reduced cost of £45 (as they will provide their own cartridges). If you are an experienced shooter but don’t have your own gun let us know when you book and we can ensure you have the use of a gun on the day.
All shooters return to the Black Bull Public House, Fyfield at 2.00pm for a two course lunch from the following set menu:
Steak & Kidney Pie with New Potatoes & Vegetables
Roast Pork & all the Trimmings
Deep Fried Cod with Chips & Peas
Vegetarian Curry
Vegetarian Curry
Chocolate & Vanilla Mousse
Lemon Meringue Pie
Homemade Apple Crumble
Breakfast & Lunch is available for non-shooting guests (£22.50)
The cost of the shooting and meals is kept to a minimum but a raffle will be held at lunchtime to raise money for Lifelites, a charity that gives children with limited lives unlimited possibilities.
There are trophies for the highest novice and experienced scorers.

Most Improved (if somewhat laid back) Member
Sat 01/08/2015
We don't have a 'Most Improved Member' award but if we did it would have to go to Bro Anthony Hoarau.
Anthony joined us in August 2014 as a novice shooter and at this years Nationals turned in a score of 73 ex 100; a score many of us would be happy to achieve.
Well done!

2015 National Masonic Clay Shooting Championships
Sat 01/08/2015
133 shooters attended this years Championship Shoot, representing 17 Provinces.
W.Bro Neil March, ProvAGDC was Masonic High Gun with a very creditable 93 ex 100.
The masonic team scores were:-
1st - West Lancashire (257)
2nd - Cornwall (255)
3rd - MetGL (251)
4th - East Kent (246)
5th Essex (234)
6th North Yorkshire (220)
7th - Bristol (216)
8th - West Yorkshire (214)
9th - Middlesex (213)
10th - Cumberland & Westmorland (185)
11th - Wiltshire (172)
The remaining Provinces didn't have 3 qualifying masonic shooters but were:-
12th - Leicestershire & Rutland (155) (shooters)
13th - Monmouthshire (138) (2 shooters)
14th - Warwickshire (127) (2 shooters)
15th - Hertfordshire (86) (1 shooter)
16th - Surrey (70) (1 shooter)
17th - East Lancashire (65) (1 shooter)

EMCSA Captain's Day Handicapped Winner 2015
Sat 18/07/2015
The 2015 Captain's Day handcapped shoot was won for the second year running by the club Secretary, W.Bro Paul Reeves - and this year he had nothing to do with setting the handicaps :-)
Previous Winners
2011 - Rob Hollier
2012 - Paul Herbert
2013 - Ian Parker
2014 - Paul Reeves
2015 - Paul Reeves

Essex Runners-up in 2015 Inter-Provincial Home Counties Competition
We took part in the 2015 Inter-Provincial Home Counties Competition hosted by the Province of Middlesex at the Star Gun Club in Surrey last weekend.
The scores of the three highest scoring shooters in each Provincial team were added together to decide which team had won so congratulations go to W.Bro Rob Hollier, Bro Anthony Hoarau and W.Bro Neil March whose combined scores achieved a very creditable 2nd place for Essex (particularly Bro Anthony who only started shooting earlier this year)! The winners were MetGL.
Well done also to W,Bro Neil March who also had the runner-up highest individual score (88%) which was only 2 points behind the winner and Antony Adams (our 18 year old Junior member) who had the highest individual Junior score.
The trophies were presented by RW.Bro Alastair Mason, ProPGM of Middlesex.

Creation of the National Association of Masonic Clay Shooting Societies (NAMCSS)
On 19/02/2015 representatives from 21 Provincial Clay Shooting Associations / Societies met at Temple 10 at Freemasons' Hall for the inaugral meeting of a proposed National Masonic Clay Shooting Society. The proposition was unanimously adopted.
The following Officers were elected:
Chairman - W.Bro Brian Saidman (MetGL)
Vice Chairman - W.Bro Mick Casey (West Lancs)
Secretary - W.Bro Roger Wilkes (East Kent)
Treasurer - W.Bro Cliff Jones (Herts)
Essex were represented by W.Bro Rob Hollier (our Chairman) and W.Bro Mick Gravenor (our Treasurer).
A copy of the draft minutes of the inaugral meeting are attached under 'Scores'

2014 AGM
Saturday 6th December 2014
The 2014 AGM was held at the Black Bull PH.
Officers Elected for 2014 - 2015:
Chairman - W.Bro Rob Hollier
Captain - W.Bro Ian Parker
Secretary - W.Bro Paul Reeves
Treasurer - W.Bro Mike Gravenor
Safety Officers - W.Bros. Mike Gravenor, Karl Griffin & Neil March

EMCSA Handicapped Xmas Shoot 2014
Saturday 6th December 2014
W.Bro Mick Keen, who only joined the association earlier in 2014 after a long absence from shooting, stole the day with a well deserved win at this years Xmas Shoot.
Well done Mick!

EMCSA Novice Day
Saturday 11th October 2014
On Saturday 11/10/2014 fifteen novices tirned out for the EMCSA Novice Day and by all accounts a good time was had by all.
Thanks for your support which helped us to raise a modest sum for 8Aid while you were having fun :-)
Thanks also to two of our CPSA qualified Instructors, Karl Griffin and Neil March, for giving up their time to provide tuition at no charge.
Thanks also to Dartford Clay Shooting Club for making us so welcome.

Middlesex v EMCSA Inter-Provincial Shoot
Sunday 5th October 2014
The Province of Middlesex CSA made us welcome when we joined them for a friendly Inter-Provincial Shoot on Saturday 05/10/2014 at the A1 Shooting Ground, A1 Barnet By Pass, Barnet, EN5 3GZ.
We were only able to field a small team and were beaten into 2nd place by the better team on the day:
Middx - 157
Essex - 136

2014 Home Counties Inter-Provincial Competition
27th September 2014
This years Home Counties Inter-Provincial Competition was hosted by the Province of Surrey at the Surrey Shooting School, Ridgewood (near Reigate). Teams from MetGL, Essex, Herts, East & West Kent, Sussex. Middlesex and Surrey enjoyed a 100 bird competitiion, which was won by MetGL (1st on 248), East Kent (2nd on 244) and with Essex coming 3rd on 230.
W.Bro Neil March was presented with Individual High Gun runner-up trophy by RW.Bro Eric Stuart-Bamford (Surrey's PGM) having scored 85, being pipped for 1st place by a MetGL shooter on 86 !!

Herts Inter-Provincial Charity Shoot
14th September 2014
Ten members of the EMCSA entered the Inter-Provincial Charity Shoot hosted by the Province of Hertfordshire at the rather fine Atkin, Grant & Lang Shooting Ground in St Albans.
There were about 100 shooters on the day but an Essex squad were presented, by RW.Bro Paul Gower, PGM (Herts), with team runner-up medals & prizes, with a combined score of 347.
Neil March - 86 ex 100
Dennis Adams - 73 ex 100
Paul Reeves - 68 ex 100
Rod Blacklock - 61 ex 100
Rob Hollier - 59 ex 100
The individual High Gun was W.Bro Steve Whitworth (Herts) on 91.
W.Bro Neil March (Essex) was runner-up with his very credible 86%.

Provincial Stewards Charity Shoot 2014
13th September 2014
Another good turnout from Essex brethren with their friends & families saw 45 of us enjoy good weather and a shoot for novices & experienced shots at the Essex Shooting Ground venues in Sawbridgeworth and Fyfield, preceded by a full English breakfast and followed by a lovely lunch at the Black Bull pub in Fyfield.
Experienced High Guns
Neil March - 78%
Rod Blacklock - 68%
Experienced Ladies High Gun
Val Griffin - 35%
Novice High Guns
Peter Whapshott - 28 ex 30
Reiss Duthie - 27 ex 30
Paul Konstantinou - 27 ex 30
Steward High Gun
Nick Horner - 25 ex 30
The day was hugely successful with £1,050 being raised for the 8Aid charity appeal supporting:
Lifelites - who provide technology for children with life threatening illnesses
Essex Air Ambulance – there when you need them most
Helen Rollason – Cancer care across Essex
Teddies for Loving Care (TLC Teddies) – providing teddies for traumatised children in A&E
Hamilton Court – helping to care for the elderly.
Southend & Essex Masonic Welfare Trust – providing essential equipment and more
Essex Provincial Charity Fund – used by the Provincial Almoner to provide immediate support to families in need
Friends of Prince Edward Duke of Kent Court (Stisted Hall) – support for residents in sheltered housing

West Kent v EMCSA
7th September 2014
We met with a team from the Province of West Kent on Sunday 7th September at JJ's Shooting Club near Dartford, Kent and had an enjoyable 84 bird shoot in good company.
Congratulations are due to West Kent, whose top 5 scores beat our top five scores by 318 to 305.

EMCSA Captain's Day Handicap Competition Winners
30th August 2014
2011 - Rob Hollier
2012 - Paul Herbert
2013 - Ian Parker
2014 - Paul Reeves
2015 - Paul Reeves

EMCSA Handicap Christmas Shoot
8th December 2013
2011 - Mike Gravenor ?
2012 - Adrian Saggers / Paul Reeves
2013 - Paul Reeves
2014 - ??